Thursday, May 14, 2015

Where in the US Are People Most Worried

What makes people in one area more aware and concerned about climate change?  Should we all have equal concern even fear?

We seem to be getting closer, here in the US, to a national consensus on Earth's warming trend and the potential environmental risk.  That is good.  We also have moved quickly to change in very good areas--reduced fossil fuel use; less waste, better, more organic food production, positive changes in transpiration systems, great strides in integrating sustainability into education.

We are transforming.  We are accelerating our shift to a clean-energy economy.  We have political buy in at least in most states and communities.  We have worldwide collaboration as we've not seen in our history.  We have more money being invested in building a clean, bright future than ever before.

Keep up the good work.  Keep the faith.  Enjoy the journey.

Where in the US Are People Most Worried About Climate Change?

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