Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Upcoming Show/Heineken

Today we talk a lot about new co's, start ups, entrepreneurs, etc.  Yet, what about a company that goes back to 1874 that is as innovative as any company, new or old?   A well known company grounded in almost a mystical dedication to sustainability and triple-bottom line operations.  A beloved company with amazing brands who stirs even greater respect after looking at their "Brewing a Better World" strategy.

That company, represented today by their Director of Corporate Responsibility, Stephanie Johnson, is Heineken.  Based in Amsterdam, still family owned, Heineken is a remarkable story.  Huge in scope, employing 81,000 talented people, selling around 240 brands, their success is founded on "Brewing a Better World";  which means, respect for people, water and other resources, CO'2 reduction, sustainable sourcing and an incredible focus on health and safety.  Health, of course, including the well being of our planet.

In Africa, as an example, just a small sample, they source 40% of their supplies locally, they work closely with farmers to insure their economic survival, they invest heavily in social programs and they spend millions right into the local community.  Globally, they are cutting water use by 30%, cutting packaging, improving shipping to reduce carbon levels, cutting energy use for buildings and refrigeration and guiding their customers to a more sustainable future by education and training on responsible drinking.

Heineken also supports music, arts, culture around the world.  Smart, fun, innovative, old but new, this is a company living the corporate dream--our dream--of always giving more than taking.  A company whose mission includes "we value a passion for quality, enjoyment of life and respect for people and planet".  In return we value them as a supplier of great products that, behind those brands, tell us about building a better world.

See more below:

2018 milestone 2020 commitment

Reduce specific water consumption in our breweries to 3.6 hl/hl1
Reduce specific water consumption in our breweries to 3.5 hl/hl1

Reduce specific water consumption in our breweries to 3.3 hl/hl in water-stressed areas 

18 production units in water-scarce and water-distressed areas have started to implement action plans for water balancing

Aim for significant water balancing by our production units2 in water-scarce and water-distressed areas

brewing a better world chart 1

2018 milestone 2020 commitment
Reduce CO₂ emissions from production by 37%

Reduce CO₂ emissions from production by 40%1
Reduce CO₂ emissions from distribution by 16% in Europe and 0% in the Americas

Reduce the CO₂ emissions from distribution by 20%2 in Europe and the Americas
100% green fridges purchased.Reduce the CO₂ emissions of our fridges by 47%

Reduce the CO₂ emissions of our fridges by 50%3

2018 milestone 2020 commitment

Aim for at least 25% of our main raw materials from sustainable sources Aim for at least 50% of our main raw materials2 to come from sustainable sources
56%1 of agricultural raw materials used in Africa to be locally sourced3 within the continent

Deliver 60% of agricultural raw materials in Africa via local sourcing within the continent

95% compliance with four-step Supplier Code Procedure Ongoing compliance with our Supplier Code Procedure

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